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Sowing smiles together!

Icono de la letra K de Kontento con una planta

Our environment is turned upside down, 

Let's turn it around with design!

The most popular!

Nuestros favoritos
Huerta en casa movil de Kontento con tomates y verduras

Mobile urban garden

Enjoy an experience that fuses the pleasure of tasting fresh food, stress reduction and connection with nature. Thanks to its wheels, you can easily move it while growing herbs, vegetables or ornamental plants.


Garden for wall

Transform the spaces in your home into productive, functional and decorative environments with this unique experience, specially designed to be installed on walls due to its exceptional resistance.

Asesoria y consultoria en packaging empaques sostenibles kontento diseño sostenible

Eco Design and Sustainable Packaging Consulting

Find out how we can help you create experiences through environmentally friendly product or packaging design. Click here and learn more about our strategic consulting services in eco-innovation and sustainable packaging design.

We design objects to generate positive emotions; we mix joy + respect for the planet and functional design

We reimagine homes, connecting people with nature  through  sustainable  objects.

This is how we put it into practice:

Kontento Madera Bambu y teca

We use certified National woods

Kontento usa menor numero de materiales y piezas

We use the smallest number of materials and parts

kontento cajas de carton empaque sostenible

We lighten the weight by facilitating transportation and stacking

kontento diseña para ensamblar y recuperar

We design repairable or recoverable components

Kontento emplea material reciclable como el aluminio

We use recyclable materials

Kontento usa piezas que se pueden remover y desmontar

We project to remove and dismantle

Mujer en Cargo bike entregas de Kontento en bicicleta de carga en Cali

In our local deliveries

We promote sustainable mobility

Entregas movilidad sostenible con cargo bike de Kontento

We use a cargo bicycle for our deliveries of mobile edible garden and plants in the city of Cali, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Algunos de Nuestros clientes 

clientes Kontento contento diseño sostenible y packaging sustentable

Our purpose

At kontento® we believe that it is possible to design a planet in harmony for our generation and future ones, let's move together to positive climate action from the daily life of our home.

In each design we have left our hearts happy and we know that we can brighten yours.

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